prople in meeting


Design challenge


UX Research


UI Design

Design challenge UX ResearchUI Design

To design a platform that lets Mentees (Learners/Students) connect with a Mentor of their choice so that they can receive relevant guidance and knowledge and make the right career decisions.

Project Context ✍🏻

  • 1 Week
  • Solo Project
  • Design Challenge

My Role ️🤵

  • UX Research : Surveys, Interviews, Market Research
  • UX Design
  • Visual Design

Tools Used 🛠🔎

  • Figma
  • Google Forms
  • Google Meet


project process workflow
process flow

As initially for every project I ask few research questions from myself to better understand the context. Here are some questions I wanted to get answers by the end of this project -

Surveys — Now, after knowing few of things I moved to conducting a survey , I floated a Google form among my peers, in 1 day I got only responses from around 20 students, unfortunately in this those who fills the form are only mentees. As I don’t want to wait much to get more responses, as it’s timed challenge, so I focused more on 1-1 interview, in which I talked with 4 students who seek mentorship and 2 mentors who want to provide mentorship.

Semi-Structured Interviews - Talking directly with users give me much more insights about what they want and what are their pain points. As I mentioned above my main focus was here to get more & more insights as I didn’t get much value from the survey, although I got to know about their needs through it. But still, I want to know more about their pain points, as my whole solution would based on that only.

Market Research - This is one of interesting thing I like to do, I explore different applications already existing in the market, also read and analyze data from different sources to validate some of my assumptions that I made. Doing secondary research provides me some new information that sometimes misses in a 1-1 interview or surveys. Some of the market findings -



Tinder is not exactly a competitor but, it helps in providing some value how it helps its users to match with each other without even knowing them, what’s the motivation behind users that makes them use the application.



LinkedIn is somewhat related to the context, but not exactly, it’s main focus was not onto helping mentee to find mentors, but users can request other people to be their mentor, so I thought of understanding its features and applications too.

forbes article

Shows how much important is mentorship :)

section 4

Now I got the data from the research but that data is not categorized in a proper way to make the information. So, to make the information out of data, I made personas and state the problems that I understood from the research.

Some of the research insights that i found -

mentor 1 persona

Mentor Persona

mentor 2 persona

Mentee Persona

Problems from Mentors -

Problems from Mentees -

section 6

Here comes the most interesting and one of my favourite part i.e. brainstorming, in this I try to generate as much as ideas possible, and then choosing the best from it. In this first time I perform the Crazy8’s activity and it really gives some interesting options to choose from.

I generally prefer pen & paper for all of my activities whether it’s making wireframes, user flow , architecture or anything, as it gives me ample space to make mistakes and do better.

crazy 8 sheet

Here’s my Crazy 8’s sheet

wireframe 1
wireframe 2

Few Screenshots of my wireframes

section 8

The very first thing is choosing the right color and then the right typeface beause it’s the color and font that makes or breaks the design, here I choose the shade of blue as my primary color because blue is something that denotes peace, security and makes some order.

For Typeface I choose “Inter” as Heading and “Nunito Sans” for body copy and other labels. Reason for choosing these typefaces is as both are sans- serif and these works perfectly on small screens and increase the legibility



For Heading

Nunito Sans

For Body Text, buttons and other labels

IMP - You can directly click on the video to listen to the whole prototype rather than reading the whole text (Yes, that’s my voice :p)

For Mentee -

    Easy Onboarding with less effort
  • Here firstly I designed the splash screen for the application and later on the onboarding form, I try to make onboarding easy by connecting the account via linkedin as application can directly fecth data from there.
  • While onboarding I divide the questions in three formats, so that user don’t feel confused by seeing lot of questions. (Problem Solved)
  • In the last I try to ask unformal questions as with the help of AI, we can recommend mentors according to the users answers. (Making proper use of technology)
    Learn from others and find the best mentor for you
  • Here in the first screen, users can see popular QnA’s and even see the answers or ask some questions from their end too. The goal of home screen is to answer common questions with in a QnA itself, as it would save mentor time to answer the same things again & again. (Problem Solved)
  • Again on home screen there could be several other things too like resources, articles and much more, it totally depends on the requirements. Or by seeing the behavior of users, as of now I had just shown the recommended mentors.
  • In next frame, a mentee can see mentor’s profile and when user clicks on Send Request, it would ask few questions, as it helps mentor in better knowing and accepting their request.
    Easily connect with mentors
  • First frame shows the Chat screen, a mentor would directly come into chat only if he accepted the mentee request and a mentee can check availability with the mentor by simply asking them and therewould be an option to send availability button from mentor side which he can send in the chat screen itself, from where user can check his/her availability. (Problem Solved)
  • Second frame shows the calendar, in which a user can see his/her upcoming session accordingly to the date, even user can reschedule/cancel the session if s/he needs to do that easily.
  • After clicking on check availability button user can book a slot and see the charges for each class (here the assumption I’m taking is every mentor would have same charge for 15/30/60 min calls), as for booking a pack of sessions (as mentioned in the problem statement) a user can directly buy a subscription model as now cost would be same for each mentor.
  • Buying that subscription model would help user in two ways, one is low cost, other is mentorship is not something that can be taught on 1 hour call, but it needs a constant effort from both side, so booking multiple session would help both mentors & mentees.

For Mentor -

    Mentored the right mentees
  • For the mentor most of the screens would be same or with some little change, here I want to show the screens that are bit different and had some importance in the application.
  • So, in the first frame a mentor can review request of mentees s/he can either accept or reject that, if he accepts then it would directly send a message to mentee, if not then mentor need to give a review why s/he’s rejecting mentee’s request.
  • In the second screen like a mentee, mentor can also check his calendar, but there’s an option there too to set his availability, as it would help mentees in knowing when mentor is available. (Problem Solved)
  • Last screen shows how he can schedule his time according to his availability in a easy way.

Click Here to view the prototype

section 11

Phew, after a continuous hard work, I learn some beautiful things and understand few things that may be improved -